A lot has changed since the early days. With over 86 years of experience behind us, it’s what you don’t see that makes the difference and that’s what ensures that Maddren Homes stand the test of time

If you venture out for a drive in the countryside around Silverdale, you may have spotted an old chimney still standing tall in the middle of a farmer’s paddock off Waitoki Road. It looks a little strange out in that paddock on its own and curious minds may have wondered about its history. That chimney once belonged to a small but sturdy dwelling built as shearer’s quarters in the early 1930’s by none other than the Maddrens of Maddren Homes.

The house burned down some years ago and with it any chance to marvel at the craftmanship of their namesake and founder: standing the test of time is one thing but fire is quite another. At least you can see that even way back then Maddren knew a good subbie when they saw one – that bricklayer did an outstanding job on the chimney. Just as well he chose fire bricks!

The original document for the house, dated 1935, is proudly displayed in one of the Maddren show homes, a testament to the company being old hands at building new homes. It shows little more than a simple plan of the home and the contract price. A lot has changed since those early days; Maddren now have 86 years of experience behind them and their building contracts are some of the most comprehensive in the industry, detailing every facet of the houses they build from the tip of the roof to the underground.

One thing that hasn’t changed is Maddren’s commitment to true craft. As Director Tony explains, ‘Craft to me is hands-on, old school knowledge. You need to know the principles and that comes with years of experience. I’m obsessed about quality. Craft is not getting something out of a pack, screwing it on the wall and you’re done. Quality starts with the foundation and the framing. The backbone of the home must be perfect. It’s what you don’t see that makes the difference and that’s what ensures that Maddren Homes stand the test of time.’ Just like that old chimney, since 1935!